HCL Health & Safety Guidelines
We encourage all visitors, staff, and artists to wear well-fitting face masks in the HCL studio and public areas of Mana Contemporary such as the lobby, elevator, corridors, bathrooms, and lounges.
We ask all visitors to be understanding of the needs of others. If you are unmasked, please be mindful of those around you. If someone asks you to distance yourself while unmasked, please do so without comment or hesitation.
Additionally, we request that you stay home if:
You have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and have not yet received a negative test.
You have Covid-19 symptoms, such as a fever.
You have been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or is suspected to have COVID-19 within the last 10 days.
Although the HCL studio is regularly disinfected, there is always a risk of exposure to COVID-19 in any public place where people are present. Those attending in-person events assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and should be aware of the CDC recommendations for COVID-19 prevention.
These policies are subject to change based on the needs of the artists who rely on our shared studio and the evolving guidance from the CDC and city and state agencies. We encourage you to confirm current protocols prior to your visit.
For questions regarding current protocols or available accommodations, please reach out to info@highconceptlabs.org.
Photo Credit: Open Labs: Grief Dreams with Newly Formed Trio (June 26, 2022)