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HCL Receives Ruth Foundation for the Arts Core Grant

High Concept Labs (HCL) is honored to be one of 138 arts organizations to receive  a Fall/2022 Ruth Foundation for the Arts Core Grant.

As an inaugural Core Grant recipient, HCL is  one of 86 nonprofit arts organizations receiving approximately $50,000 of support from Ruth Arts. The one-year program builds out the Foundation’s programmatic scope and geographic reach. This grant will support our ongoing residency programs that artists praise for their depth, flexibility, and duration. These residencies provide an accessible environment for experimentation and discovery, and are bolstered by ongoing mentorship and programming support. This support will allow HCL to continue investing in our Active Hope and Reparation Accelerant (AHORA) initiative that funds the development and premieres of new community-attuned work by artists who identify as people of color and are current or recent artists in one of our residency programs.  

Supported by the late Ruth DeYoung Kohler II and inspired by how artists live, make and are remembered, Ruth Arts launched earlier this year with a unique nomination process guided by 50+ artists, providing funding to nonprofit arts organizations nationwide. 

“These programs are at once forward-facing and anchored in Ruth DeYoung Kohler II’s inimitable legacy,” says Executive Director Karen Patterson. “We’re proud to honor Ruth’s lifelong commitment to the arts by continuing to fund the organizations she personally supported, and to develop new programs in her spirit of experimentation and community-building.”

Alongside the Core Grant, the Ruth Foundation for the Arts is pleased to announce the multi-year Thought Leaders grantmaking program which awards an additional 14 nonprofit arts organizations $300,000 in the next three years.

Learn More About Ruth Arts Core Grants